Wednesday, June 28, 2006

on the shores of old Mexico.........

My kids keep singing that song. I am not sure who sings it or what it is even about. Yet that is where we are going in three short days. I can't really believe it. This year is a monster trip too. Being the nice guy that I am I allowed 50 people to sign up on this trip. I really thought it would be a mistake until we raised more money than we needed and our logistics worked out perfectly. So, I should probably doubt less, right? Well unfortunatly I am human and the doubt still remains. I don't really doubt that this is gonna be a great trip. I think there are just these "pre-trip" jitters that everyone who leads one of these trips feels. Maybe I will get that if I ever get married someday. But I won't be marrying 50 people so that will make it easer I guess.

Pray for our group. Traveling with so many it compounds the possiblilities of something going wrong. God will provide, but we still need to go to him. If you read this blog, please pray.

I will leave you with this thought. Actually it is more of a question: Have you ever had a song written about you before? I did a couple of years ago on our first Mexico trip (with my youth group). Here is how it happened:

We were sitting at a stop sign in Monterey getting ready to turn right on a one way street. I was looking left to see if any oncoming traffic was coming. Well, I saw that it was clear to my left. So I pulled out. What I DIDN'T do was look to the right to see if any pedestrians were walking in front of me. Apparently there was. Just as I hit the gas someone yelled "STOP!!!". I am glad they did. I pulled off the gas just in time to "kinda" hit the pedestrian walking in front of me. Now actually I didn't "hit" him as much as I "nugged" him with my bumper. Needless to say he peppered me with various mexican curse words and hand gestures which I am sure were talking about my mom. I guess I deserved it. I didn't hurt him but I am sure I rattled him a bit. The thing was that three church vans behind me saw it happen. So the kids in the vans behind us procceded to write the now famous hit (no pun intended) "Chris hit a Mexican". It has a few verses and some great harmonys if I remember right. It made me feel special but I am sure that my Mexican counterpart just felt bruised.

So let's also pray that I don't give anyone a reason to write a song about me this year. Imagine what I would have to do to get another one written. Maybe......

"Chris inadvertanly transported an illegal immigrant across the border in the church trailer" or
"Chris got stuck in a pile of concrete" or
"Chris married a Senorita"........I like that one........

Looking forward to the stories. Love yall........


Natalie Brooke said...

Speaking of Mexico, I ate dinner with some girls that know you from Mexico trips in college. Trevor's name came up (I don't know him as well) and then yours and thus followed the whole..."hey, I know that guy" routine.

I can just imagine some of your guys singing...they crack me up!

As long as the song isn't "Chris took so many people he left a kid in Mexico"...I think you'll be fine!

I'll be praying for you and your group. Have a good time, see you at Cornerstone, Nat.

Niki said...

Marrying a Senorita?? Can't wait to hear the words to THAT one?! It worked for Matthew Perry in "Fools Rush In". The whole baby before the wedding thing would be inappropriate though...maybe you should read my blog before you go. HAHAHA JK!

I will be praying for your safety and that of everyone in your care. Go rock their world Chris!

liz gibbs said...

You would have less jitters if the world's greatest organizer was going on this trip with the group. So, as in years past, I will organize from behind the scenes.

Prayers will be said for the whole group.

Niki said...

Yeah Liz, I wasn't available to go. hehehe