Thursday, November 30, 2006


It dosn't snow here in our part of Texas very often. Most of the time it is a small event and then the next day it's 80 degrees and melted. But, today like the rest of the country, we got a cold blast from our Canadian friends (eh?) and we got some great snow. As I sit here at my church in my youth room I can see out of the windows a beautiful sight. When I slow down enough to consider the beauty of falling snow, I start to realize the startling reality of our creative and passionate God. Sometimes life tends to be more of a "nose to the grindstone" and "just get me to through this" mentality. All to often we forget about the day in front of us. I believe that if life was just something to muddle through then God wouldn't have given us snow. He wouldn't give us an amazing West Texas sunset. The leaves wouldn't turn amazing colors in their fall. God gives gifts to us in so many forms, one being nature. It is a daily occourance that we should be thankful for and slow down enough to consider.

I'm a tree hugger today.......



Monica Vidaurri said...

Glad you all got an amazing snow day! It snowed alot here in Lubbock as well. This morning when I woke up, the first thing I did was run and open the door to see if it snowed, and literally a foot of snow fell in the house, the wind was blowing so hard, that that it made a huge snow drift on our doorstep. It was nice and cold! I love it when it snows it reminds me of all the fun times I had as a kid. Today has been a great day full of happy faces and slower paces. I'm glad to hear that you are a tree hugger!!!lol
Take Care,

Niki said...

Would you please post a picture of you actually hugging a tree? I'd like to see that...;)