Thursday, November 09, 2006

a few things......

Just a quick update on the happenings in ol' V-Town. First of all, everything is going well (I know you are just dying to know) and I am looking forward to something really cool this weekend. The area youth ministries are putting on a retreat titled "Plunder the Darkness" that will be taught by our good friends Benny and Niki Nowell. The Nowells will fly into the area on Saturday and spend some time with our teenagers talking about reaching out and loving those who are tough to love. We have spent the last few months planning, preparing, and praying about this retreat. I would ask that you guys pray for the retreat as well. Pray for the Nowells in their preperation and their travels. Also, be in prayer for our teenagers that they would have soft hearts and be changed by what God has to say to them through the Nowells. I look forward to what God has planned this weekend.

I hope everyone is doing well in the Blogosphere! Talk to ya soon!


1 comment:

Niki said...

We're really excited too Chris...and grateful for the opportunity to share such an important message with your teens and adults. I'm in prayer about the weekend. See you Saturday!