Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I'm a really bad student

Ok, here's the deal. I am sitting in my graduate class right now blogging. The fact that I am doing this might clue you in as to how much I am paying attention to him right now. Seriously, I don't have any idea what he is talking about. I think that he has been talking for about an hour now and I have sent like 3 emails and checked up on all of the blogs on my list. Wait, I think that he is talking about plagarism. I think that is what he is talking about. Anyways, I thought I would update the blog. I haven't written in a while because I havn't had a ton go on lately. I do have plenty going on that I plan to write about soon, but I guess I haven't been in much of a blogging mood lately. I have the blogging blues. Ok, I think the proffessor is catching on. I best go. Have a good day, my peeps!



Monica Vidaurri said...

Wow! That's all I can say. Don't feel bad though--I've been a bad student myself. Just hang in there the semester is almost over!

tamandscott said...

I knew the minute I sat next to you in economics that you were a bad student:).

Natalie Brooke said...

Seriously glad that I'm not the only adult that says "my peeps"!

I'm pretty sure you're not the first at OC to not pay attention in class...the laptops aren't a distraction at all, right?! Actually, mine was a lifesaver if I ever caught myself falling asleep.

I think you should blog about your spring break trip and share what ya'll did.

Have you had a chance to talk to Jason yet? Call me when you do...