Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm a bad, bad, blogger

The title explains it all. It's not that I have been too busy. I have been quite busy in fact. The issue is that you spend your time doing the things you like to do. I like to blog. But I think that my desire to write fades in and out, month to month. So, hopefully I can get back on track.

These days are good, yet full of teachable moments. I think that God sends you through times of life where you don't necessarily fail a lot, but aren't really successfully at a lot either. In other words, there isn't much to gripe about, yet my world doesn't seem to go as quickly as I would like to. I guess that is why they call it the fall.

But, I have been able to do some cool stuff lately. I was reading Karrisa's blog a while back and she mentioned missing the Nickel Creek concert that came through their area. Well, guess what? My sister and I saw them in Dallas two weeks ago. My goodness. I don't think that I have seen such talented musicians in my life. Who would have thought that Bluegrass could rock? Seriously, there was a guitar, mandolin, fiddle, and stand up bass. That was it. There were face-melting mandolin solos and fiddles-a-fire filling the cramped Gypsy Tea Room. We had a blast. Sometimes I forget the power of live music. There is a definitely some spiritual connection that is made in times like that. The music wasn't Christian. It wasn't bad, either. It was just good.

That brings me to a point. Does everything that is good have to have a Christian or Church label stamped on it? My sister and I were standing in a room full of drunk and broken people. Yet, it was one of the more spiritually uplifing times I have had lately. I was able to spend some much needed time with my sister. I was able to decompress. I can't really explain it. Maybe you guys can.

I hope to do this more. I miss hearing from yall. Peace out.


MereMoore said...

Chris-I found your blog thru Tiff Hogue's! Hope you are doing well-I am a TERRIBLE blogger too! My friends get bitter with me because I never post - about every 4 weeks it seems! Your youth group sounds great! They have a great leader!! Meredith (Reid) Moore

The Farmer's Wife said...

man i am jealous. great show huh? i saw them in atlanta a couple years ago and that show doesnt even compare to any other show ive ever been to. how cool would it be to pick like chris thile???

Niki said...

Welcome back Chris! I'm jealous too...about Nickel Creek. I'd love to see their concert!!

Did you make it to the meeting at OC? Still haven't heard anything about it...I may call Adam today.

Anyway, hope you keep blogging - enquiring minds want to know...:)